
It was a couple of months ago that I first heard whispers about a new healthy restaurant topping London’s Healthy Hit List. Uber healthy eateries are springing up everywhere and Redemption; preaching a sugar, gluten, dairy free and predominantly vegan dining experience – in a booze free environment, was apparently somewhere I just had to try.

While this concept sounds appealing for me I can see that for some this idea could seem far fetched and so to gather a balanced report, I palmed off my usual healthy eating counterparts and invited no other than my Ab Fab mother, Ali as my +1.
Ali owns a catering company called Ravenous and while she is healthy, I can’t imagine that she’s dined at too many restaurants that restrict her from savouring an alcoholic beverage with her dinner.
This was soon to change.

Redemption sits just off Westbourne Grove, the terribly hip and lesser humble Notting Hill “high street”. You can get here via a 10/15 minute walk from Bayswater or Notting Hill Tube stations, or a taxi ride if that suits a little better.
We arrived on a late Friday evening and there was a major heatwave that could explain why the restaurant was a little quieter than I have seen it before.

Redemption Dining 

Sitting down we looked over their beautiful looking menu which hosts a sexy selection of mock-tails, starters, mains and sweets. I had a “flu fighter” that I could only compare to a chilli margarita and it was actually very nice. Mother – or Ali and I nibbled on a starter platter of roasted spiced nuts, kale chips and olives, you cant’t really miss the trick here.
Ali had a trusty alcohol-free Pina Colada followed by an Apple martini. If they’d been alcoholic, she’d have been sloshed by now, but they weren’t, and luckily this also reflects in the price.

For our mains we went for the “Temple of Ten” Bowl and a “zen” Asian themed brown rice plate with avocado and a naturally sweetened teriyaki sauce. The sizes were nothing to winge about and it was all very delicious, subtle and not too salty or vinegary.
We didn’t go for a sweet being perfectly full from everything else and on a slight high from something other than alcohol, gluten or sugar.
We loved our dining experience and notably the staff were extremely hands on, informative and kind. I can see how there’s a complete market for such a restaurant with the sober trend tricking through. If I were to be taken on a a date, I’d be happy with Redemption.

Price : ££

Address : Redemption Notting Hill, 6 Chepstow Road, London, W2 5BH

Instagram : CLICK HERE

Website : CLICK HERE

Comments 1

  1. Sounds deliciously healthy! How fortunate you have more places like this popping up over there . The states could use a few more , especially here on Cape Cod ( Falmouth !)
    Maybe on your next visit to the states , you might consider opening such s restaurant ?

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