Episode 5 – Hello Nico Freako

On charter Swims..




I love Kate & Captain Lee for allowing us to swim on charter, a lot of chief stews would not! One thing I’ve learnt in yachting is that you have to weigh out its demanding and hard work with the perks of being in the industry, as much as possible!

Swimming mid ocean, using the boats toys and bonding with your crew mates in the water happens to be one of these perks.

I really remember this afternoon onboard well, it was so much fun! Kelley, Sierra, Nico and I had races around the yacht with the sea bobs and we jumped off the bridge deck (something that I’ve never had the guts to do before). It was such a shame that Lozz didn’t join in, and looking back on it I was naive not to see why she was seeming off with us 🙁 ! …

Nico gets his FREAKO on…




My opinions on monogamy come across profoundly in this episode, which I am happy about. Whether take what happened as a “boys will be boys” situation or not, Nico’s behaviour caused kerfuffle amongst the crew. Lauren was understandably thrown by the direction things went and Kelley successfully (strategically) dropped the news about Nico’s interest back home. Nico let alcohol get the better of him which lead to an episode of attempted serial snogging. Whatever happened, we make “mistakes” to learn, and Nico remains a hard working & kind deck hand none the less. I’m just glad that we cleared the air this episode through all of this, and we all learnt a bit about the Freako side of Nico.


Meeting Kyle




We all meet our new deckhand! I don’t think that he could have come at a better time for the deck team. It was becoming increasingly evident that it’s tricky working with a man down. It’s always exciting getting to know a new crew member, and I have a feeling that there’s a lot of layers to our man with the apple. Watch this space.


Weird and wonderful Questions from Episode 4 Below Deck viewers:



img_9109Was Trevor really a d-bag or was he just portrayed like that?

My answer to this is simple, some of us are better socially than others. We all have annoying traits and most of us will try to work on them and learn the boundaries of social norms. Trevor found this hard. He was influenced by his drinking and pushed quite a few people to their limit. He also had a good heart though. I feel sorry for him; like I said, it was a bit of a bless situation. He didn’t make the experience easy for himself

Don’t you get angry with the comments these guests make?!

These comments come with the job, as shown in the last episode too, I have personally learnt to hold my tongue and vent to the other stewardesses if needed! “Can I see your V?” Is really pushing things to the inappropriate end of the spectrum, I haven’t had too many comments like that.

You are so lucky having Kelley and Nico flirting with you, why aren’t you flirting with Kelley more?

I am lucky, they are two very handsome men. However, Nico’s actions this episode prove why I like to get to know a man properly before I make any movements!

Did you know that Lauren felt this way?

Being an interior member I don’t spend a lot of time with the exterior crew. The boys make more of an effort if they are attracted to you and I was not aware of Lauren’s feelings. I feel so bad about this now! Luckily on our day off and her and I really bonded and everything became a lot clearer!



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