Focus Brownies


This October I am extremely happy to have come onboard as the SCENTERED Mental Health Ambassador.
With a focus on Clarity of Mind, I was inspired by Scentered’s Focus balm ingredients and created a special Focus brownie with our head chef at POW Food.
The brownie is made with Rosemary and Orange soaked Goji berries and Willie’s Cacao. Wheat and Dairy Free, it’s made with no refined sugar and contains ingredients that help enhance your concentration and focus. This is the perfect little treat that I would love you to try out at home!
What’s the deal with Rosemary, Choc and Focus?
Rosemary oil contains Cineole, a compound that improves cognition and memory.
Cacao is a natural source of tryptophan, a mood enhancing amino acid.
The flavonoids in the cacao increase blood flow to the brain, aiding focus and memory.
Eager to try it out? Find the recipe here:

Makes 12 portions:

135g Coconut Oil

1Tsp Vanilla essence

Sprinkling of Chia seeds (to top)

45g Dove’s Gluten Free flour (UK), Bobs Redmill Gluten Free Flour (USA) – (or flour of choice)

120g Coconut sugar

3 drops High grade Rosemary oil for the goji berry soak

38g goji berries soaked in orange juice and rosemary oil

pinch Rosemary salt

125g Willies Cacao Venezuelan Black Chocolate

2 Eggs

1 Egg Yolk


  1. Soak the goji berries in the orange and rosemary for 1 hour
  2. Melt the chocolate and coconut oil in a bain marie
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, yolk and sugar
  4. Sift in the flour and fold in gently
  5. Add the goji berries and mix until even
  6. Taste and add 1 more drop of Rosemary oil if wanted
  7. Flatten onto baking paper lined in an oven tray
  8. Sprinkle with chia seeds
  9. Bake at 160 degrees celsius for 20 minutes
  10. Let cool in tray then cut into squares
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I cannot wait to see you try out this gorgeous recipe, they’re the perfect little bit of tasty indulgence with the rosemary and high grade cacao for added benefits. It’s quite incredible how Essential oils can impact the mind through taste, smell and your skin, I love using them on my body through SCENTERED balms and cooking with them, like with these brownies (that bake in just 20 minutes)!
“There are so many everyday distractions which means it takes a higher sense of awareness of yourself and your surroundings to harness the focus needed to gain control of your own mind. It’s our daily lifestyle choices that can strengthen our place of mental clarity and focus to achieve our ambitions. Through our own behaviour and habits, we can enhance our performance, mood and sense of self. Little changes like our food choices, certain scents, hours of sleep and noting down positive thoughts can have a profound difference on how our minds work. We can all learn to gain control.”
Emily xx

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