London Coffee Festival

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The London Coffee Festival happens to be the largest in the World.
When my friends found out that I was attending for the second year running I received quite a few questions. Most popularly it was how there was a whole festival on coffee (that happens to be held at one of London’s largest exhibition spaces), and secondly what interest I had in being there (not being known as the typical devourer of the  stimulant).

Well, I have to say that I used to stay clear of the black brewed drink completely. This was until I attended the festival last year as part of a project I was working on. I quite simply started really appreciating it, rather like one would likely start enjoying wine if they spent time at a vineyard. I am by no means a connoisseur of the drink, I actually took a taste matching test at the festival this year and could not have got things more wrong! There’s an excitement for me with this though, it means that there is so much more to learn. Coffee has become an art, and the Festival is a chance for specialists, both in practice, technical knowledge and industry to get together, network, showcase their skills and share their love for the world’s most widely used psychoactive drug.

Coffee Vibes

You arrive and the energy is contagious, even before your first coffee, of which there will be many more to come. You can experience and learn about coffee from all regions, processed through more ways than you could imagine and served with everything from vodka to almond milk and raw chocolate, which leads me on to the next reason I love attending the London Coffee Festival.

The world of Coffee crosses over considerably with the urban wellness trends that have swept through cities internationally, and this was boldly apparent at the London event. It makes sense, as the growth of the Coffee market has come with a stream of coffee startups, plus there’s a high demand for quality coffee in most of the ‘go to’ clean eating spots, because if you’re going to drink it, it may was well be the best kind, made with the best ‘mylk’ and finished with the prettiest latte art, right?

So, among the exhibitors, including dare I say it, Starbucks, we also had the likes of Balance Festival, Deliciously Ella, Plenish and Pip and Nut exhibiting, just to accommodate the clean eating coffee fans, such as me…?

If you haven’t made it down to the festival, if you serve coffee, love to drink coffee or want to learn more about it then I would head down next year, or hit up Amsterdam or NYC for one of the sister shows.

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