5 women who are inspiring me right NOW

So i’m at this stage in my life when I value the time that people give me incredibly. I’ve realised that it’s precious and everyone has their own things to deal with, goals that are driving them, priorities, morals and distractions. You know what I’m talking about…

Life can be a rather toxic and very lonely place without the right network around you; human beings that challenge your thoughts and intentions, understand (to the best of their capabilities) what your goals are and why you’ve set out to achieve them. You need to be with people who drive your energy and passion for life, through the good and bad experiences, transitions and personal developments.


Your greatness is not what you have

It’s what you give. 


I have some incredible humans that I work and socialise with who fit the bill here but this post is to show you some women who really inspire me that I don’t get to spend frequent time with. Some I am closer with than others, each one is very different and none are in my immediate circle. I know each of these women personally but I am only aware of what they’re up to thanks to social media – it’s not all that bad! With social media we are now able to branch out, feel connected and be influenced by special individuals whom we may have never encountered otherwise, which I believe is a true benefit of the seemingly “destructive” world.

Below I have written about 5 women who are currently inspiring me; I have included why they are, how I know them and a little quote that motivates them (who doesn’t love reading a quote)?…

I hope that you take something positive away from this and feel as inspired as I do about what each of these women is setting out to do. The main message I’m wanting to promote is that YOU have the potential to do great things.  Don’t let anyone or anything let you believe otherwise. Em xx



Eliza Hatch – Cheer Up Luv

I first met Eliza a few months ago when I agreed to take part in a photo shoot for her photojournalism project “Cheerupluv”.
Cheerupluv documents stories of sexual harassment and provides a place for women’s voices to be heard, enabling them to take ownership of experiences that were out of their control. I have witnessed Eliza’s work creating a digital “ripple” over the past few months as her community and recognition has grown.
Cheer Up Luv has been noticed and shared by the BBC, Vice, Elle, ID and many other publications. Being a campaigner myself, (and an advocate for using social media to create communities of like minded individuals & share meaningful messages), I believe that what Eliza has and is creating is nothing less than powerful. The result of her project (one of them) is a community that feels  supported, understood and believed.

Never give up, never give in.

I see Eliza as a truly inspirational individual making a valuable difference. The commitment, message, energy and core belief behind her work is something that cannot be ignored and I can’t wait to see what she goes on to pursue.

Where can you find out more? HERE

Follow on Instagram? @elizahatch @cheerupluv

Emily Garthwaite – Photojournalist & Street Photographer

Out of all the ladies that I’ve written about i’ve known Emily the longest; although our time spent together has been brief and under slightly unusual circumstances. We first met when I was 15 on a fashion photography course in London and she immediately had an impact on me. Her presence is unmistakable and she is definitely walking a path that is true to her, the impact of which is the unmissable passion for what she does portrayed through her work. She is someone who connects with humans, empathises with experiences and portrays stories through photography in ways that others could not.

I have thoroughly enjoyed watching Emily flourish as an award-winning Photojournalist and street photographer. The projects that she embarks on are incredibly eye opening and I love what an example she is of someone who has followed a path of uncertainty, adventure and passion. This isn’t the easy route, it’s one of the hardest and I love following people who embark on this journey that we can all be influenced by, because following your dreams is sometimes the hardest decision to make.


A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart, and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it.

Irving Penn

If I haven’t yet convinced you to take a further look at what Em does, her photography has been featured internationally including her photograph “Chained to Tradition” selected as a Finalist for Wildlife Photographer of The Year in the Photojournalism category. She has worked with The Independent, Moroccan Tourist Board, Union Coffee, Kew Gardens, Suitcase Magazine, Durrell Conservation, SEEN Presents, Space Doctors, Shaare Zedek Hospital, The Ratiu Foundation, St Giles Trust and Nari Gunjan. Above and beyond any of these successes, Emily is a beautiful, kind, clever and and funny young lady following her dreams.

Find out more? HERE

Follow Emily? @emilygarthwaite

Emily Rowe – Founder of Social Sensei

So I seem to take a liking to Emily’s, don’t I?! Well, the name was uber “popular” over the nineties and our parents were clearly very gifted on the naming front. Anyway, Emily Rowe is an Emily who came into my life earlier this year (2017) when I was spending time in Florida.

Sat working at one of my favourite coffee spots in Fort lauderdale, The Grind Coffee Project  (if you’re ever in the area you HAVE TO GO), and I heard Emily across the communal table in a conversation about social marketing and business. Listening in, well obviously (my nickname is inspector Rabbit), I was immediately drawn into Em’s way of speaking and what she spoke about being involved with; I just had to introduce myself. Funnily enough, as these occasions usually are, we ended up spending near to the next 3 days with one another. Emily is an incredibly young lady (21), at University while running a successful social marketing agency. She also happens to be a fabulous photographer and she was at the forefront of directing my Instagram page to what it is now (INSTAGRAM)

I bonded with Em a lot over photo shoots, car drives and coffee’s and I have to say that the head on this young lady’s shoulders is something rather special and mature WAY beyond her years – watch out! She really doesn’t let anything get in the way of her goals and she truly inspired me through all that she does, has achieved and what she believes in. One thing that touched me profoundly is her unforgivable generosity combined with her business mind, something that MOST people lack nowadays! Emily helped me a lot in a world that was very new to me (social media) and became a friend quickly. It’s incredibly necessary to surround yourself with individuals who UNDERSTAND, who are MOTIVATED, LIKE MINDED and push you to be a better person, Em ticks all of these boxes….plus she’s savvy and beautiful.

Find out more? HERE

Follow Emily: @emily.sea @social.sensei

Quote by Emily  “In business, you always want to do the things that scare you. Fear is ultimately the sign that you are doing something different, unsafe. This is where you start to grow.” Emily Rowe

Kiko Matthews – Rowing the Atlantic (SOLO)

You may have seen and heard me speak about Kiko a few times this year. We first met in March when I interviewed her for my Youtube channel (HERE) and I have since been in total awe of what she has set out to achieve. Kiko has a fabulous dry humour and a huge drive to get the most out of life. Why, well apart from being a naturally motivated lady, Kiko survived a rare and life-threatening condition called Cushings disease. Caused by a tumour on the pituitary gland, Kiko was barely strong enough to climb the stairs or get out of a bath. Diabetes, insomnia, memory loss, psychosis, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, spots, excessive hair growth and puffiness in the face and stomach were some of the symptoms that she dealt with but 8 years on she wants to live life and challenge her mind and body to see what they are now capable of.

Be kind, don’t worry, smile.

Kiko is attempting (well, she’ll smash it) to row the Atlantic next year, SOLO and break the womens world record doing so! Crazy, right? She’s embarking on this challenge in order to raise money for King’s College Hospital, who treated her and care for her still. Kiko’s story is something very special and different and I have loved / will continue to love following her on her journey.

When is Kiko going? Jan 2018

Follow Kiko: @kikomatthews
How to find out more? HERE

Donate? ;)… HERE

Fab Giovanetti – Founder of the Health Bloggers Community

First and foremost Fab most certainly suits her name!

“And more, much more than this, i did it my way:” 

A bubbly, beautiful Italian with an infectious laugh and profound presence, Fab is the founder of the Health Bloggers Community, a platform that gave me the initial insight into the Wellness scene that’s boomed in London and around the world. I have greatly enjoyed seeing The HBC grow, transition and experience how it brings bloggers and brands together to share, learn and collaborate.

Many entrepreneurs are inspirations to me but if they’re young, female and doing something extremely worthwhile, ethically sound and making a difference through their ventures then HOW COULD I NOT BE INSPIRED??! The Health Bloggers Community has brought me friendships, experiences and opportunities with some fabulous brands over the past year that I would not have had otherwise, so I have a huge respect for Fab and all that she intends to succeed in doing through her work.
She’s now starting the Health Bloggers Community TV, which I’m filming for next week, so watch out for that!

Find out more? HERE

Follow The Health Bloggers Community: @hbloggerscom

Comments 1

  1. So well written and so thoughtful. Writing like this lifts everyone up. It’s inspirational and motivating. Women to admire, including the author Emily. Simply wonderful.

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